People First
We help investors identify the trends that matter
We partner with corporates, VCs, family offices, and institutions to identify the trends that matter to their funds & chart a strategic path to unlock those opportunities.
Real World Insight
Insight is the key to successful investing. arketyp uses proprietary research methodologies & tools to shape the strategic thinking and foresight capabilities of our investor community. Our process enables early-stage tech investors to frame their decisions about future risk in the technology landscape in a verifiable and pragmatic way.
Data Driven Strategy
Knowing where to find certainty makes the future more visible. We help investors understand how to use global trends and market shifts to their advantage. We visualise future destinations and identify the strategies required to get you there, minimising risk and doubt in the process.
People First Approach
The best strategies come from real human insight. We have access to an unrivalled network of founders, investors and accelerators who can unpack insights and strategies not available in the public domain.